5 min read

Meet New Guest Coach Zachery Seale

Get a Sneak Peek at His F.I.T. (Functional Interval Training) Program
Meet New Guest Coach Zachery Seale
One of the best offerings Tempo has is our ability to connect members from all over the country to incredible coaches whose expertise varies across all types of training. From yoga and pilates to HIIT and strength training, Tempo coaches have the opportunity to guide members from the comfort of their homes. Our coaches become that familiar voice that push and motivate them to work hard and become the best version of themselves on the mat.
 Clarence, Head of Coach Development and Tempo Coach, sat down with Zachery to talk about his fitness routine, favorite and least favorite workouts and what to expect from his F.I.T. (Functional Interval Training) Program.

Coach Clarence:
Welcome! We're super-excited to have you on the Tempo team. Please introduce yourself and tell us your program’s name?
Zachery Seale: My name is Zachery Seale, and the name of my program is Functional Interval Training or F.I.T.—hella catchy, right?!

Love it. Can you tell us how you got into fitness?
ZS: I think the better question is, When have I not been into fitness? My favorite grammar school class was always P.E. I would even throw a fit if there were ever a dentist or doctor's appointment that conflicted with P.E. I’ve been very active my whole life, and it's silly to think that I didn’t make this my career choice sooner.

CC: When it comes to your fitness routine and workouts, how do you fit fitness into your life outside of teaching?
ZS: I try to think about fitness as an actual lifestyle, not just something that happens in the gym. For me, fitness is something that happens in regular life. That's why I love teaching a more functional approach to fitness. When we break it down, most fitness is sitting, standing, and squatting. I’m one of those nerds who rides BART and sits down in a squatting stretch while I’m waiting for the train to arrive at my stop.My life is built around incorporating better movement into my everyday life. 

That’s very true, and I feel like our users can relate to this as well. You speak a lot in the program about your family. How many kids and pets do you have?
ZS: I am a dad. I have a 4-year-old son, and my daughter is almost 2. Regarding pets, the real question is, When will I stop accumulating more pets? We currently have 3 dogs. Initially, we planned on having only 2, but that changed. The original thought about getting a third dog was, “I think we need another kid, but maybe if I can get another dog first, that would fly better.” So we got a dog, but the kid never happened, and now we're lopsided with 2 kids and 3 dogs. But I love them all. I want more pets!
Tempo Guest Coach Zachery Seale high fives with daughter

CC: That’s awesome. I love dogs too, so I’m all about the “more pets” movement. Since we’re discussing who you are off the mat, can you tell us what hidden talent you have?
ZS: A hidden talent. I'm a relatively small guy, but I have a fantastic ability to finish all of my pancakes. I love pancakes. I eat pancakes past the point of sweating, but I'm not leaving pancakes on the plate, and that's just how it goes.

That sounds like a great skill to have. Least favorite exercise to do and favorite workout to do?
ZS: My favorite exercise has to be the burpee. Easy! It's about as functional as it gets. Everyone drags the burpee, but It's just you getting up and off the ground. You do that every day. You can do burpees! My least favorite exercise would have to be the squat. I love squats—I just wish that my hips felt better when I was doing squats. I wish I’d started squatting at a much younger age, because I pretty much graduated college and had only been playing soccer, and when I first got into the fitness game, my hips were super tight. I couldn't squat. That said, finding that range of motion has helped my knees, back, hips, and all that kind of stuff.

Tell us what users can expect from your program? 
ZS: First, it’s not one-size-fits-all, but a blanket concept of functional fitness. A lot of people go to the doctor. They say, oh, you're getting older. You have to work on strength training. Ugh. You know, your metrics are getting a little bit off. You have to work on your cardio. I don't think fitness should be just cardio, stretching, mobility, or strength training. I believe fitness should encompass many different types of movement, which you'll get in my program. We do a little bit of bodybuilding. We do a bit of super-setting and overworking to get that muscle fatigue, but we also end most of our classes with a push designed to get your heart rate up. So you should leave each class feeling like you did it all. That's what you're trying to cram into a short, jam-packed workday anyway. So take my class!

Excellent. Final question. Why are you excited to work with Tempo?
ZS: My fitness journey started with one-on-one personal training. After that, I got into group classes and was able to interact with a couple more people. Now with Tempo, I have the opportunity to touch even more people and help them move better. Everyone deserves a personal trainer, and Tempo gives you one right in your living room. I think that fitness is extremely fun. I have a good time with it, but unfortunately, there's a misconception about how people should work out in America. That’s created uneasiness and fear when it comes to working out, but if you worked with a trainer, you'd be okay—you'd feel excellent doing it. For most people, that’s what Tempo provides. I want to work out with as many people as possible, and Tempo’s giving me that chance. So again, come hang out with me. I think fitness is fun. I want to work out with you!


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